Online learning, the smarter way

Llama LMS allows companies of all sizes to self-manage their online training via their own WordPress-based website

Take a test drive now

Take a quick trek through ‘Wündlerland’ our Llama LMS demonstration module here:

Keep it, it's yours

With Llama LMS built in, you won’t get stuck on a separate platform. Modules are housed on your own website, and available to complete as long as you choose. There are no ongoing monthly per-user fees. Read more

Hey, good lookin'

Your modules will view nicely on all kinds of devices. Now your participants can complete their training wherever they choose – whether that’s at their desk or waiting for a coffee.

You've got options ...

Have an existing WordPress website? Your Llama LMS portal can be styled to match. Don’t have one? Choose between basic customisation of existing Llama LMS templates, or a new, bespoke design.

Case Study: PNG Tourism

Australia’s nearest neighbour has great general awareness, but few travel agents understand all that it has to offer – or how to sell PNG to would-be visitors.

As a result, PNG Tourism’s Australian office decided to significantly ramp up their online training for travel agents. They needed an LMS which did three things:

  1. Put them in control of what modules were available and when;
  2. Matched the look and feel of their existing website; and
  3. Gave agents flexibility to complete modules on their personal devices (inspired by the possibility of winning a trip to PNG for their efforts).

A new training site was launched on the DTO/Llama LMS platform which we integrated into their existing website – making it a seamless experience for the user. The site was then promoted to their existing agent database and a wider network of potential participants. PNG Specialists now has four live modules and an increasing number of travel agent participants, many of whom are using their greater knowledge to sell clients on the benefits of visiting this unique destination.

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Your own training platform

Llama LMS is the perfect alternative to using a third-party training platform. Hosting your training on your own website creates a seamless user experience, and lets you integrate your training with other website functions.